Data Mine Your HR Records: A Scientific Approach to Increasing Productivity

Data Mine Your HR Records: A Scientific Approach to Increasing Productivity

Today's article is for business owners who have limited experience with data analysis, use manual timekeeping and scheduling processes, and want to use a scientific approach to better manage their workforce.Workforce Management 101 Capturing Workforce Management (WFM) data is the first step to creating a Human Capital Optimization strategy. In order to gather and manage [...]
Comprehensive Workforce Management From MegaPay USA

Comprehensive Workforce Management From MegaPay USA

Hello business owners! We all know that managing a business can be very challenging - especially the relentless administrative work. Plenty of businesses offer services to assist you with HR tasks but most can’t offer a comprehensive solution. The team at MegaPay USA has set out to streamline all your time and attendance tracking, scheduling, [...]