Workforce Management Suite Has Cost-Cutting Superpowers

Workforce Management Suite Has Cost-Cutting Superpowers

Business owners don't always look to the HR department for superhuman cost-cutting. But there has never been a better time to do it. HR managers can save business owners big money with the right tools.Workforce Management Suite from MegaPay USA has those tools. Reduce labor expenses without sacrificing anything. Not productivity. Not employee morale. Quite [...]
Intro to Workforce Management With MegaPay USA

Intro to Workforce Management With MegaPay USA

Business owners: have you noticed that many businesses are implementing some sort of Workforce Management software? Perhaps companies that you work closely with, companies that you have partnered with, or even competitors' organizations. If you do not yet use a Workforce Management system and have been too busy to look into them, you may be [...]
MegaPay USA TimeWorksTouch: PunchLogic Prevents Punch Errors

MegaPay USA TimeWorksTouch: PunchLogic Prevents Punch Errors

Has your organization outgrown your time and attendance system? Have you been searching for something to increase productivity and efficiency for your organization? MegaPay USA has the answer for you! Not only is our Workforce Management Suite a powerful solution, it is updated continually with state-of-the-industry tools. This way, your company is never using last [...]
Why You Need Automated WFM for Salaried Employees

Why You Need Automated WFM for Salaried Employees

  Some employers with only salaried personnel often believe automated Workforce Management is only necessary for organizations with hourly employees. The object of this message is to discuss why this couldn't be further from the truth. Why Companies With Salaried Employees Need Workforce Management Systems 1. Compliance The alphabet soup of the various labor laws—FLSA, ACA, [...]
Keep Cooking with Workforce Management Suite

Keep Cooking with Workforce Management Suite

Are you the owner of a restaurant, cafe, or diner? Then today’s post is for you! As you know, there is so much more to running a restaurant than coming up with delicious food - although that’s key. Once you start attracting more people, you’ll have to work hard to keep your restaurant staffed to [...]