No More Missed Punches

No More Missed Punches

Biometric Time Clock Paired With Employee Timekeeping System TimeWorksTouch combines the latest in time clock technology with industry-proven, cloud-based time and attendance services. Company-Wide BenefitsHR and Payroll managers won't have to research and correct missed and unmatched punches and system is synced to payroll system. It provides supervisors with supreme visibility and tools for absence [...]
No More Missed Punches

WorkforceHUB Lowers Costs For Human Resources Functions

Human resources functions can be a budget buster. WorkforceHUB reduces HR costs to ensure profitability.  WorkforceHUB is the Human Resources Management System (HRMS) from MegaPay USA. What is an HRMS? An HRMS is an integrated suite of tools. It has an interface (or gateway) through which employees, managers, and admin handle HR transactions. It is [...]
No More Missed Punches

Why Is HR The Last Department To Get Tech Tools?

For the past several years, we have spotted that many companies have been successfully implementing technology for CRM, accounting, merchant transactions, manufacturing, online marketing, and inventory management. As IT teams swell, it seems as if HR is often the last department to get on the automation train.  If your company is still using manual processes to track employee time [...]
No More Missed Punches

How Does WorkforceHUB Help You Organize Your Business?

Staying organized is a nonstop challenge for any business owner. WorkforceHUB from MegaPay USA helps businesses get organized and stay organized. WorkforceHUB is a unified Human Resources platform. It includes recruitment, payroll, timekeeping, scheduling, HR and engagement. Improved Organization Increases Productivity When Human Resources is organized, it's easier to improve organization and productivity elsewhere. You [...]