It’s Time to Cut Your Losses

It’s Time to Cut Your Losses

Are you using a manual employee punch in and timecard system that fails to ensure the accuracy of timekeeping? If so, you are overpaying for labor. It's time to cut your losses. The Cost of Time Card EstimationYou can save on labor costs by eliminating time card estimation. How accurate is memory? When employees forget [...]
It’s Time to Cut Your Losses

TimeWorks Mobile Review

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years, you’ve probably noticed how technology has changed the way we live. Whether you're at home, at work, or at play, you can always find a digital tool to carry out most any task. Few devices serve us like our smartphones. They are always [...]
How Can I Speed Up Payroll?

How Can I Speed Up Payroll?

Is payroll a hassle? Integrating payroll and employee timekeeping makes payroll a whole lot easier. It also makes life easier for your employees, managers, and HR team. Today's post is for businesses that have separate payroll and employee time and attendance systems.What's the problem with separate systems?If your systems are separate, you are duplicating work. [...]
How Can I Stop Payroll Errors?

How Can I Stop Payroll Errors?

Payroll glitches frustrate your personnel, create hassles for your HR team, and can cost you money in unnecessary overpayment or penalties for compliance violations. In the past five years, employers paid more than 1.2 billion in back wages due to payroll violations. Today's post is for SMB owners who are currently processing payroll in-house and [...]
How These Top 3 Payroll Mistakes Can Sink Your Company

How These Top 3 Payroll Mistakes Can Sink Your Company

You’ve Got To Get Payroll Right If you are a business owner, you are probably busy 24/7 and can't always give each required task your full attention. If you get to the point where you have to put something on the back burner, make sure it's not payroll. Workforce Management Suite has convenient, powerful tools [...]
Employee Scheduling Solution Review

Employee Scheduling Solution Review

There are 1,440 minutes in a day, and here at MegaPay USA we believe that none of those should be wasted! Running a business and managing associates is no small task and it can become challenging to make sure that your organization and employees are running smoothly 24/7. But that’s what we are here to [...]